This blog is my invitation to you, to embark with me in this #adventure!

It has been a while that I have been toying with the idea of writing a blog, to share my spiritual journey experience with God, how God talks to me, my relationship with him and more... However the format in which I'd play in my head never felt right; until one day being divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit; he showed me how to bring it forth and everything just fell into place.
Primarily, this blog has the intent to celebrate God, share his word and wisdom; a place where I can publicly declare my love for him and to allow you to take a peek into my personal relationship with him. I also want to inspire you to develop your own relationship with God, to experience his supernatural Love for you.
After all, isn't most of what we do, a pursuit for love and acceptance? A fulfilling experience? Something that makes us feel really alive, something that gives meaning to our existence? What is success without a soul?
I too lived in this world, comparing, competing, abiding by its rules, conforming to society's notions of dos and don'ts; only to feel absolutely empty, unoriginal, unauthentic. I had not come out of a factory I said in a conversation to a friend, I had come out of my mother, surely that should count for making a difference in some way, not only in my looks.
For the past couple of years, I felt like a fish out of water; I could not relate any longer to the values of our world, as I kept seeing people emotionally lost, the need to portray a happy life, suppressing their baggage and desperately seeking connection, purpose and meaning. I just knew I wanted more, and I started searching further, deeper and beyond.
After 5 years since I had been baptized, I was studying the bible regularly; I had seen some amazing results in my personality and my relationships by applying the principles; I read books about Jesus like Jesus the Life coach, The best Leader, CEO and so forth...I wanted to get to know him from a human aspect, and different perspectives than the bible. What I found was simply amazing! He encompassed all the beauty I looked for in a person of integrity and upstanding moral, with impeccable manners, filled with love and virtues. He is a #Masterpiece! But that was not all, not only have I found the perfect role model, he also transformed my experience. It was not only an intellectual discovery that satisfied my need for admiration, it was how miraculously my life started to change, how I felt and how he started to communicate with me.
What makes something real, it is not what we think, but it is how it makes us feel! Quantum mechanics already showed us that what we see with our eyes is questionable
when you read about the double slit experiment. Over 2000 years ago it was already stated in the scriptures:
2 Corinthians 5:7
7 For we live by faith, not by sight.
As I study the bible further, I cannot but be surprised that as we look for super phenomenal things in this world, the bible contains all of it; the clues, the mysteries, supernatural events, the answers and we seem to keep trying to reinvent the wheel over and over again. It is all in there, for the one who has eyes to see and ears to hear.
Embark with me and let's be amazed about what God can also do in your life! Below is a great way to equip yourself for this journey. Fasten your seatbelt!