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Writer's picture: RoxRox

"An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof."

John 20:29 (NLT)
29 Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.”

I had an amazing week last week; it went from having a severe reaction to a medication I was taking that made me feel dreadful for days and stay bedridden to making some very important decisions to take control over my health based on who I am in Christ Jesus. From that moment on; having a fast recovery and joining the Soul Winning Evangelizing event at my local Church River Amsterdam - Mission Amsterdam.

It was the first time that I participated as an adult; going into the streets and preaching the Gospel to people. I remember I used to join my grandmother on her evangelizing outings and I remember her joy in doing so. I wanted to experience that joy, and the first day it was a bit strange as you have the impression that you might bother people but by the second day my focus was different and I thought about all the people that actually want to be saved and were glad to be approached!

Naturally, I also met the ones that would not give me the time of the day; they were too busy or did not believe. I specifically met one young girl who told me she was not a believer and as the conversation developed I felt an urge to share what I believe Belief actually is.

Sometimes when we find a song, a piece of art, or a film, object, fashion, you name it, just something we like; we google it because we want to find out all about that one thing. However when it comes to Jesus, to God; people are prepared to just take the opinion of others on the matter or simply to not take any time to investigate it further so that they can make their own choice based on real findings.

So I told this young girl to give Jesus a chance, get to know him first, read about his beautiful and impeccable character, the quality of his love and teachings, his upright moral standards, how he loved and died for us, how he teaches with kindness, his temper, his ways, how he cared for everyone. Then after reading and developing a friendship with him than you can decided whether you want to believe him or not.

This is not only about a matter of salvation, which is essential indeed, but it is also a calling for those who deprive themselves of the most #amazing experience one can have in their lifetime due to misguided information, fear or perhaps a lack of evidence based in their approach. It is like children that says i don't like a certain vegetable before they even try.

When Jesus said "blessed are those who believe without seeing me, he never said that just because you don't see him with your eyes it doesn't mean you will not experience his presence! So Belief; when it comes to Jesus is not simply an acceptance without proof, because when he reveals himself to you; you will wish you had to come to get to know him sooner!!!

God is real! Jesus is alive and he is good in every way; his faithful love endures forever!!!

Jerusalem is my home

Guide me

Take me with You

Do not leave me here

Jerusalem is my home

Guide me

Take me with you

Do not leave me here

My place is not here

My kingdom is not here

Guide me

Take me with You

My place is not here

My kingdom is not here

Guide me

Take me with You



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