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Freedom or Free will?!

Writer's picture: RoxRox

Updated: Oct 13, 2021

This is the question and many others in this subject that was going around in my head as I was writing my morning worship to God. Every morning, I write to Him to express my gratitude for the blessings in my life; for everything he has ever done for me, for his love and above all for who He is. It is also a time where I share my thoughts, my concerns and my observations.

Today, I want to share with you what I wrote but also I want you to take the time to reflect about what freedom really means to you...

Dearest Precious Beloved Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit,

First of all , thank you for another wonderful day by your side. Thank you Father for the blessing of your presence and the honor of your teachings. Thank you for loving me, thank you that you take the time to teach and guide me. Thank you that you are kind, loving and patient with me. Thank you that you do not give up on me but strengthens me instead. Thank you that you test me according to my strength and knowledge. Thank you that you never change, that you are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Thank you that your love for us is unconditional and it does not get blown away with the wind.

Thank you Father for calling me, for bringing me close and for giving me what I had aspire; to grow spiritually and to find what was needed to fill my void, "YOU".

So wonderful how you have made us; that you left in us this void that only you can fill and fulfill. Yet we spend our lives trying to fill this void with all sorts of futility ; some of us get stuck in this "merry go round " of shopping, power, money and success; and end up living empty pretty lives. But the ones who persist in their journey and are not fooled by things that shine mistaking it for light. ah those get to see your glory, those get to be touched by your love which surpasses human understanding. You bless us with an immovable peace, that even an earthquake can't shake it, it's like deafening silence in a noisy world.

Life gets a different perspective with you, time is not so relevant and one needs to learn how to let go and let you guide, in your time and in your tempo.

Surrendering is a struggle at first for us, who have lived for the world and are used to be driven by our leading egos, as a result of this mass production mentality; where we all have to follow the same road to success. To be acclaimed by a whole bunch of people who knows and feels less than we do most of the time.

But when we surrender to you, which in itself is a journey of letting go, of taking your yoke which is easy. it feels so contrary to what we are used to, as human cattle in this unforgiving world.

But with you is different, and the more we learn to trust you, your teachings, your word, your guidance, your transformation, it's like waking up with birds singing and the sun shinning everyday even if it' s only in your soul.

Waking up in hope and adventurous expectations to find the treasures you have hidden in the day. It's waiting for that wonderful Bible passage that you whisper daily to me so that I can continue on my journey; and how special it is how you make us feel, since you have a unique relationship with each of us, unlike the world treats us.

To you Father, I am a unique combination of gifts and talents, and you treat me so; with love and care, because to you I am precious, even if the world don't see; they know that there is only one of me, only one of them. Yet they don't know how to care for unique people only objects.

They use all these beautiful and encouraging words about our uniqueness, only to treat us like a cost center when you work for them. And for the independent ones who are business owners, they all used the same methods, the same strategies, the same marketing tools. It's like a big illusion, for me a big delusion. they all thread the same road to success. Because success in this world is money, power and freedom.

The latter is a pseudo freedom, where having money gives you the ability to go to and from whenever and whatever; but in the end you are still stuck in the making money wheel because you still need to pay for your freedom. But you are not free; you are not free from the rules society dictates, you are not free from the objects and things you need to possess in order to keep feeding your sense of identity. You are not free from certain dependencies you acquired along the way. You are not free from the traumas and insecurities you carry, you are not free from the image you need to maintain, you are not free from the depression that creeps in every now and then, because the void just gets bigger and bigger. You are not Free!!! Because true freedom is only found in You.

John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

It's like running a marathon, we run the entire world/life looking for that or who and in the end the answer lies with the one who created us in the first place. You gave us free will to make choices, but we spend most of our lives making choices that we consider it to be freedom and yet it is just imprisoning us.

Blessed are those who find you; they get to experience what supernatural freedom truly is. I call it supernatural, because humanity in their bondage have not really understood the meaning of freedom. What they call Freedom is most of the time, a combination of self destructive behavior disguised as fun.

1 Corinthians 6:12 "Everything is permissible for me" - but not everything is beneficial. 

I love you Father and I can never thank you enough for saving me!




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