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The greatest Gift!

Writer's picture: RoxRox

Do you know those moments when you get a deep realization of a fact that you knew in your head but when the coin drops to your heart; it is just Wow! You are lost for words, your jaw drops and your mind races to make sense of what just happened; that the truth just shook your predictable and not so unpredictable world.

Well this morning; this is precisely what has happened to me. As I was going through my daily Bible reading, I was enticed by Proverbs 8; where wisdom invites and describes her beginnings, her intentions, her ways and her rewards. What is appealing to me, it's not her promises of wealth to those who love and seek her, but her depths, her character and dwellings, the things she likes and her dislikes, the understanding, the knowledge, the wows and the coin/jaw dropping effects that she brings as you uncover her excellence (read below). Humbly, we receive the gifts that results from this seeking for growth but our focus is not on the material prize but on the spiritual heights.

10 Receive my instruction, and not silver,
And knowledge rather than choice gold;
11 For wisdom is better than rubies,
And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.
12 “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence,
And find out knowledge and discretion.
13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil;
Pride and arrogance and the evil way
And the perverse mouth I hate.
14 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom;
I am understanding, I have strength.
15 By me kings reign,
And rulers decree justice.
16 By me princes rule, and nobles,
All the judges of [c]the earth.
17 I love those who love me,
And those who seek me diligently will find me.
18 Riches and honor are with me,
Enduring riches and righteousness.
19 My fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold,
And my revenue than choice silver.
20 I [d]traverse the way of righteousness,
In the midst of the paths of justice,
21 That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth,
That I may fill their treasuries. 
(Prov. 8:10-21 NKJV)

As the truth seeker delights in this reading, for this is like a map for those who really want more of this life than what the world has to offer with its shallow treasures. For the Bible says:

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Mat. 6:19-21NKJV)

With such, I return to my finding, where it dawned on me what and who was the greatest gift. This is an extract of what I wrote to Him as I came to realize the vastness of His blessings.

"My most precious and Beloved Father,
...Father you have made me; so you know that I was fashioned to love and serve you. For my heart beats for things in which you are the center of it all, for things that will bring glory to your name; my heart beats for those you love , for what you care. Oh I plea with you that you do not let anything stand in between us, that you have not put there. Please keep me humble, for I cannot bear to loose you. I don't ever want to be separated from you, for I know how deep is the abyss of your absence and I don't want to fall there.
Thank you for rescuing me, thank you for loving me so deeply that you sacrificed love to show me love; to gift me with mercy, undeserving mercy. For this is who you are. You are greater than love itself, you are greater in every beautiful way, for you are a God of love; kindness and mercy are in the palm of your hands. You are the blessing, the greatest of them all, for in everything you give, the greatest gift is, YOU!"

It never ceases to amaze me, every time this truth falls into my heart, for if you ever had an encounter with God, you know exactly what I am talking about. Like the song Promise Land by John Lucas (see video link at the end) where it starts with this phrase "Love will bring you to your knees" that is the precise response that accompanies this revelation; that moment of awe; that moment that you are overwhelmed with the most sublime form of love and gratitude that you never thought possible. Tears rolls down your face, but they carry no pain, only an inexplicable form of joy that words could not depict how humble you feel to know that the creator of it all, spared nothing just to have you back.

While the world tries to lure people to experience the "highs" of hell, with shamanic journeys into the unknown. God's invitation remains till today, His ways are clear; His promises are true, He is righteous in every way, His love is real and his mercy endures forever. For He says in John 10:10

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Now my plea is for you, dear reader, that you do not depart this life without having a true encounter with God.

To meet him, you do not need to submit your body to any concoction, but simply read the following prayer:

Invite and accept Jesus in your life today, then read this following text out loud, believing in your heart that he is real and that you are ready to get to know him, that you want to see him move in your life. Take this moment between you and him and open your heart to receive the most sublime form of Love there is. Remember, He is the only way to the Father. "He is the Way, the Truth and the Life."( John 14:6)"

" Dear Lord Jesus,

Come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, wash and cleanse me, set me free. Jesus thank you that you died for me, I believe that you have risen from the dead and that you are coming back again for me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit; give me a passion for the lost and a hunger for the things of God, give me a holy boldness to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am saved, I am born again, I am forgiven and I am on my way to heaven because I have Jesus in my heart." Amen

If you have prayed this prayer, as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ,I tell you today that God has forgiven you of all your sins, you have been given a new life in Him. That's not my power but his Grace.

Also I kindly ask you to become a member of our site and write to me about your experience, so that I can provide you with any support or answer any questions you may have to embark on your personal journey with Jesus.

God bless you!

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