Jesus asked the disciples "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.
The same goes for us, below there is a list with 23 attributes that are given to us once we invite Jesus into our lives; and no man can reveal this to us but only God himself. And as you go deeper into your journey with God, what He says you are; start to become your truth and your comfort.

As I was searching for our identity in Christ, I came across this website and this great compilation of passages in the Bible, which describes how God sees us, what he has in store for us once we return to him.
When God tell us believer to go and preach the Gospel to all the world, it's main purpose is to restore you to the original condition which he has created you for; to be Beloved, a child in which he delights in, to forgive you for your mistakes, and to wash you clean, to free you from whatever is holding you back, to be a temple for the Holy Spirit as without him there is no spiritual growth, despite of whatever ideas and concepts people have been trying to sell it to you, until you are born again you are spiritually dead, It is only when the Holy Spirit is in you that your spirit comes to life. Remember God says to never put your trust in men, because no men will love you or give these attributes as gifts and truths to you.
God has so much in store for you, there is so much that he wants to show you, to bless you with, to reveal of his goodness, so much protection he wants to provide, so much joy, so much comfort. He sees you struggle and cannot help you without you wanting him there to support you. He wants to reveal his plans to make you prosper not only in goods but in deeds, in joy, in love and through eternity.
We spend most of our lives wanting to feel special, to be treated accordingly, to be seen individually, to be really loved. However, we have been relying on people and not on the only source that can truly bring this to reality. The only One who can really make you feel like "I am made a masterpiece, so divinely and to his image". The only one who can remove all my burdens and make me feel whole.
Once I invite him into my life, he makes it all new, he sets me apart for wonderful things, he grants me victory despite the odds, he assures me an inheritance in heaven beyond my wildest expectation.
“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”
the things God has prepared for those who love him" 1 Cor. 2:9
I am never alone in his presence, so I never fear what is to come because the Creator is with me, and every situation I come across is a way to manifest his teachings and grow, also grow in the knowledge that no matter what happens, nothing can separate me from him or his love.
So , Who do you say you are? or better, Who do you say you want to be?
If you have never experienced the supernatural Love of God and you would like this existence to be more than what you have seen so far, then there's still time. Make your life count, give yourself the chance to live all that he has in store for you, get to know him personally and watch the amazing wonders he can do in your life.
If you want to accept Jesus in your life today, then read this following text out loud, believing in your heart that he is real and that you are ready to get to know him, that you want to see him move in your life. Take this moment between you and him and open your heart to receive the most sublime form of Love there is. Remember, He is the only way to the Father.
Say this:
" Dear Lord Jesus,
Come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, wash me cleanse me, set me free. Jesus thank you that you died for me, I believe that you have risen from the dead and that you are coming back again for me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit; give me a passion for the lost and a hunger for the things of God, give me a holy boldness to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am saved, I am born again, I am forgiven and I am on my way to heaven because I have Jesus in my life." Amen
If you have prayed this prayer, I kindly ask you to become a member and write to me about your experience, so that I can send you a gift and provide you any support or questions that you may have on your journey with Jesus.
Ps: Extreme joy, tears of love and much more are just some of the experiences when you come in contact with the Holy Spirit. If you want to know more about the Holy Spirit, I recommend the following books:
-Good morning Holy Spirit - by Benny Hinn
-The Anointing - by Rodney Howard-Browne
- The Gifs of the Holy Spirit - by Rodney Howard-Browne